Some Cayman residents do ride bicycles to work or even use an electric bike. Bicycles and electronic bicycles are duty-free, making them a more attractive option.
That said, there are very few designated cycle lanes on-Island (though the Esterley Tibbetts Highway does have cycle lanes from West Bay to the Britannia roundabout).
In an effort to improve awareness and road safety, the National Roads Authority has painted symbols on some of the roads on Grand Cayman to indicate where the road is shared between bicyclists and motor vehicles. You will find the markings located on South Church Street by Paradise Restaurant and North Church Street by Delworth’s Esso. The shared lane markings, or sharrows, are either white or green symbols with two chevrons and a bike - see graphic below.
As cycling is not as common as it is in, say the UK, drivers do not give cyclists due care and attention. In addition, Cayman does not have specific laws, such as minimum passing distances, to protect cyclists like other countries do. With these combining factors, it cannot be stressed enough how vigilant cyclists need to be on Cayman roads. Bicycles are considered vehicles, therefore cycling into facing oncoming traffic is illegal, and yet widespread!

Buying a Bicycle
For those navigating the public roads on bicycles in the Cayman Islands, it’s strongly advised to read the cycling guidelines outlined in the Cayman Islands’ Road Code, with the most recent edition dating back to 2012. It is easily accessible on the DVDL website ( Or you can download a copy HERE.
Go-to Bicycle outlets are Uncle Bill’s and Kirk Home Centre who both offer a diverse array of bicycles and accompanying gear, including essential helmets. Uncle Bill's usually has a bike maintenance person on staff. Cost U Less also sells bicycles from time to time.
After your purchase, to enhance security, we recommend you consider registering your bicycle with the local police department. This process involves the recording of your bicycle's serial number and the application of a unique marking, visible only under a UV light, to deter theft and aid in identification.
Bike Repairs
Sheldon Anderson of Cayman Bike Repairs runs a mobile bike repair company. He can fix bike gears, brakes, wheels, tires, lights as well as tune bikes, repair them and replace parts. He also does complete bicycle overhauls, wheel truing and spoke replacement. Custom bike fitting for cyclists’ body size and comfort. He has lots of parts in stock. For more information call Sheldon on (345) 525 2020 or see below.
Paddle Wheel in The Grove also offer bike parts and repairs. They offer a bronze, silver or gold service package and e-bikes cost a little more. See their servicing page for more information.
Bike Rentals & Tours
- Eco Rides Cayman provides a local experience with guided bicycle tours that promote the Cayman culture and heritage. Among the various tours that they offer is a Cayman Sunrise Tour that takes you through the beautiful district of East End, along the stunning coastline where you will see Colliers Public Beach, the Wreck of the Ten Sails Historic Park, the Blowholes and much more. They also have an amazing Cayman Cave Trek Tour that includes the Cayman Crystal Caves. The tours promote health and fitness and are all done on regular full pedal FUJI Hybrid bicycles. All tours and bike rentals require advanced booking. Email: or tel (345) 922 0754. Also check out their cultural bicycle tours on their website.
- Adventure Cayman rent a variety of bikes which include free rental delivery and pick up services to your resort or condo. Contact them for more information. Email: or Tel: (345) 525 4455. Location: 10 Forum Lane, Camana Bay.
- Paddle Wheel Adventures offers bike rentals with half day, full day, 3 day and weekly rates. They also offer tours as well as bicycle maintenance and repair services. Email:, Tel: (345) 640 2453 or visit their website for more information.
Bike Sharing in Cayman
Another option for exploring by bicycle is the bike sharing scheme from Cycle Cayman. They have eight stations: three in Camana Bay, one at Regatta Business Park, one in Cricket Square, one at the government administration building, one at Dart Park and one at the Cayman Craft Market in George Town. Simply chose a plan – by the hour or by the month – download the app and off you go.