Cayman takes its rules regarding disabled parking access very seriously and parking illegally is frowned upon by the public. Please read on to find out how to obtain a proper permit.
If you do park illegally, you may receive a ticket from a police officer.
To obtain a disabled parking badge, you can collect a form from the DVDL or download the pdf version and have a licensed physician fill out the relevant portions, stating whether it needs to be temporary or permanent.
Your application will then be reviewed and if approved, a fee of CI$5 will have to be paid to receive a tag or you can choose to pay a fee of CI$75 for a licence plate.
If you are visiting the Cayman Islands, you may use your international disabled parking badge for the duration of your trip to legally park in the designated spots. Be sure that if you are parking in the designated parking spots that your tag is clearly shown from the outside of your windshield.