According to the 2023-24 Education Data Report, there are 2,056 children enrolled in 43 preschools and a total of 9,054 children enrolled in 27 private and government primary and high schools spread across the three Islands, with 875 teachers teaching these students. There are 116 students in the Lighthouse School, which is a school for students with special needs, and there are 18 teachers teaching them.
On This Page
- Improvements in Education - Public
- Improvements in Education - Private
- Enrolment Age & Requirements
- How the Grade System Works
- School Standards & Inspections
- Caymanian Children
- Expat Children
- Reserving a Place
- Health Screenings
- School Uniforms
- School Fees & Scholarships
- Switching Schools
- Child Safeguarding Training Requirements
- Libraries
Improvements in Education - Public
The Cayman Islands Ministry of Education has seen a very active past few years and there are more plans in the works for the 2024/25 school year. Along with introducing free school meals to all public primary and high school students, laptops to all primary and high school students, and full scholarship funding to all Caymanian students taking A-levels and attending ICCI and UCCI, the Ministry bolstered school security with the introduction of visitor sign-in kiosks, opened a three-lane athletic track at the Creek and West End Primary Schools and added a nursery at East End Primary School (for children aged 3). There are also plans to open a nursery at the Edna Moyle Primary School in North Side during the 2024/25 academic year. Phase 5 of the John Gray High School campus has begun with the building of the sports playing fields and basketball/netball courts on the old CIFEC site and the old George Hicks buildings have been renovated internally to welcome the CIFEC students to their new classrooms for the 2024/25 school year. At Clifton Hunter High School they are building an automotive workshop, while their fourth academy, which will include a canteen, science labs and classrooms is still in the conceptualisation stage. On Cayman Brac, a new CI$50 million high school and gymnasium are to be built on a 59-acre plot of crown land on Sunshine Drive, on the Bluff. Separate from this, an internationally compliant, competition standard athletic track is to be built at the Cayman Brac Sports Complex and this will join an existing 25m swimming pool and a FIFA standard football pitch that were built between 2015 and 2019.
In primary and secondary education, there are 3,958 students in private schools, 2,289 in government primary schools, 2,693 in government secondary schools and 116 students enrolled in the Lighthouse School, the country’s school for students with the most significant special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Most children with SEND are enrolled in mainstream schools with varying levels of support. Approximately 114 children are homeschooled.
The Cayman Islands has excellent schools all the way from preschool through to high school and university, and although a few new schools have opened over the past few years, there is still a shortage of available spaces in preschools and primary schools. Parents hoping to send their children to private schools are advised to put their child's name down at their chosen preschool and primary school prior to, or within days of, the child's birth, and don't forget subsequent children! If the school is heavily oversubscribed for the year that your child is due to start, then they will usually advise you to put your child's name down at a second school as well.
The last two years of high school are also at maximum capacity for children wanting to do A-levels, as many students from government high schools also compete for these places. However, this may change as it is the Government's intention to reintroduce A-levels to government high schools starting in the 2025/26 school year. Space is also at a premium in government primary and high schools. See further on in this section about how to register your child for a place at a government school.
Parents interested in sending their children to Government primary and high schools must register with the Department of Education Services (located at 130 Thomas Russell Way, George Town, Grand Cayman) or the Cayman Brac Teacher’s Centre between 1st March and 30th May. See website at Government schools are open to all students, but preference is usually given to Caymanians, followed by those with Permanent Residency and the children of Cayman Islands Government workers. Expatriates who arrive in the Cayman Islands outside of the regular registration period may monitor the DES website and apply for a space between July and August.
Improvements in Education - Private
In the private sector, CF School (formerly Clever Fish) broke ground on their new purpose-built high school which will open in Buttonwood Park in George Town in September 2025 and will cater to Years 7-11. Footsteps School announced a collaboration with a local consortium which is bringing Stowe School to Grand Cayman. They plan to open their new campus in 2028. In the preschool sphere, Sprogs have added an additional classroom to their school on Walkers Road, and they are opening a sister school, Kiddiewinks Garden Playschool, in the summer of 2025 in West Bay. This purpose-built facility will cater to families with children aged 1 to 7 years of age. This joins Montessori West, which is another new purpose-built preschool opening in West Bay soon. St. Ignatius Catholic School recently completed their two-storey multi-purpose hall which hosts various indoor sporting activities and includes a number of specialist classrooms, tutorial rooms, and other learning and recreational spaces for students. At Cayman Prep & High School, the teachers have been using a video coaching platform called IRIS to collaborate with colleagues and identify ways in which they can improve both their own practice and student's learning. Meanwhile, Cayman Academy adopted a play-based approach to its foundation years, which has improved the quality of their teaching, learning and assessment, and they have added 'Home Management' to their subject offerings in high school; their first vocational subject. Finally, the ARK's MER (Mentor-Educate-Reinforce) programme and MER Hub, located adjacent to the Sir John A Cumber Primary School, has been going from strength to strength, giving specialised intensive learning remediation to students at the West Bay Government primary school, at a pivotal stage in the lives of underprivileged children with learning difficulties.
Enrolment Age & Requirements
In the Cayman Islands, it is compulsory for all children aged five to 17 years to attend school or be home schooled. However, the reality is that privately educated children enter primary school at the age of four and do not leave until they are 18, whereas government educated students start at the age of 5 and leave at the age of 17, although a percentage of government educated students will leave their secondary school at 16 and go to another high school to do A Levels or the IB. For preschool, your child can usually start at age two, or sometimes as young as 18 months. A handful of schools will take infants at six weeks, if they have a dedicated nursery room, but at this age the adult/child ratio of 1:3 makes it either very expensive, or the staff are paid painfully little.
For primary school, the starting age is almost universally four, across the Cayman Islands, other than for expat children who are entering the Government school system who are not allowed to start until they are five and ready to enter Year 1. If children are going into the British school system (Cayman Prep, Footsteps, Island Primary and St. Ignatius) they will enter Kindergarten/Reception at aged four. If they are starting at a school following the American system Cayman International School, First Baptist Christian School, Grace Christian Academy and Triple C) then your child will start in Pre–K3 at the age of four. If they are Caymanian and they are going to a Government primary school then they will start in Reception at the age of four.
However, some government schools do not have enough space in the Reception class (when your child is four turning five that year), plus some parents feel it is more convenient to leave their children in preschool until their child turns 5 and then endeavour to get their child a place in a government school once it is compulsory. This is a BIG mistake! Firstly, the Cayman Islands Government have a very strict policy that all children must go into their specific age group, regardless of whether your child is a very young July or August baby, or is socially and emotionally not ready for school. It is worth being aware that all children starting school in the Reception class start the process of learning their letters (the phonics), reading, writing and early Maths in earnest as soon as they start in the Reception class. If your child does not start primary school until Year 1 they will have missed this foundation stage, and will be playing catch-up, unless you as their parent has worked really hard to make sure they don't fall behind. If you cannot get a place for your child in their primary school at the age of 4, please make sure that you and their preschool is teaching them the sound and look of all their letters and numbers. This is really important!
Please be aware that a few of the private schools now have Pre–K2 years (St. Ignatius Catholic School, Cayman International School and Grace Christian Academy), which means that their students can start at two or three years old and will automatically move up to Kindergarten/ Pre–K3, leaving less space for incoming students. If you intend to send your child to one of the major private primary schools, make sure to register them early, and then accept the offered place in Kindergarten/Pre–K3 when your child is four. Deferring the place to Year 1 is never advisable as it reduces your changes of getting your child into the school. Ask the school what the chances are of your child getting into Year 1 and you will find that it is almost zero.
Most private schools in Cayman will only test your child for placement if they are entering after Kindergarten/Pre–K3. If your child is transferring from another school, they will likely need official school records from the previous school(s). If transferring at the high school level, an up-to-date medical record, that includes vaccination details, is also required.
How the Grade System Works
Learn about the differences in the grade system between American curriculum schools vs British curriculum schools in the Cayman Islands.
In the Cayman Islands compulsory education must start by 5 years of age, however, there are many in the school system that feel this should be changed so that Government schools align with private schools, and all children start in compulsory education at the age of 4.
Age | Gov. & Private British Schools | Private American Schools |
4-5 | Kindergarten/Reception | Pre-K3 |
5-6 | Year 1 | Pre-K4 |
6-7 | Year 2 | Grade 1 |
7-8 | Year 3 | Grade 2 |
8-9 | Year 4 | Grade 3 |
9-10 | Year 5 | Grade 4 |
10-11 | Year 6 | Grade 5 |
11-12 | Year 7 | Grade 6 |
12-13 | Year 8 | Grade 7 |
13-14 | Year 9 | Grade 8 |
14-15 | Year 10 | Grade 9 |
15-16 | Year 11 | Grade 10 |
16-17 | Year 12 (Lower Sixth) | Grade 11 |
17-18 | Year 13 (Upper Sixth) | Grade 12 |
School Standards & Inspectionskeyboard_arrow_right
Individual school reports published on the Office of Education Standards’ website ( provide detailed, impartial and transparent assessments of the performance of schools, teachers and students in the Cayman Islands. These reports are available for all to read and are a useful tool for parents to find out how their children’s schools perform compared to others or aid them in deciding which school is best for their child. All schools are now inspected once every two years, as opposed to once every four years, as previously mandated by the Education Act (2016). Note: You will find more information about education options both on and off-Island in the Cayman Parent magazine, available in outlets across Cayman or online at
Caymanian Children
Caymanian students have the option to go to a Government school (it is decided by catchment area) or a private school. If a Caymanian chooses to send their child to a Government primary or high school then the Government has an obligation to educate that child from the age of five to 17. All three Government high schools end at Year 11 (age 16), but because the Government mandates that education is compulsory to Year 12 (or the age of 17), all children who go through the Government school system will officially be enroled in the Cayman Islands Further Education Centre (CIFEC) for Year 12 where they can take CXCs, GCSEs or a BTEC work experience programme.
However, if your child wants to go to a private school (overseas or in Cayman) so that they can get sufficient external exams (SATs, A Levels, APs or BTECs) to get into an overseas university, then their move must be approved by the Director of Education Services (DES) and they will be given what is called 'Dual Entry'. Without this designation, their previous time at a Government high school will not apply to their graduation criteria.
All government primary schools do have Reception classes (where your child can start as long as they are 4 by August 31st), however, some schools (eg West Bay Primary) do not have as many Reception places as they do Year 1 places. Make sure to put your child on the list for Government or private school as early as possible. It is a huge disadvantage to your child to miss the Reception year!
Expat Children
It is the Cayman Islands Government’s stance that expatriates employed in the private sector who qualify to have their dependants on-Island with them (i.e. earn over CI$3,500 per month and have two dependants on their permit), should educate their children in private schools. If the Government employs an expatriate, then the employee has the option of sending their children to a Government school, if there is space. However, most Government schools are at capacity and the Lighthouse School is completely full.
Expats are advised to work out carefully what their budget plus buffer would be, and whether they can realistically afford to school their children in Cayman. Sending your child to a private school and then asking the Department of Education Services if your child can move to a Government school because you cannot afford the school fees is not an option. If you find you cannot afford to educate your child at your chosen private school then the only options are to choose a less expensive private school, ask the school for financial assistance, home school your child, or have your children leave the Island. If they are between the ages of five and 17, they cannot live in Cayman and not be in full time education.
If an expat cannot find a suitable place for their child in a private school, and home schooling is not a viable option, then ask the Department of Education if there is space in a Government school for your child. They will try and find a space for your child if it is possible. However, no expat child can join a Government primary school in the Reception/Kindergarten year, when they are four years of age, the earliest they can start is Year 1 when they are five. If this is the case with your child please make sure that you and their preschool are teaching them the look and sound of all their letters as they will need this for Year 1.
Reserving a Place
If you would like to send your child to a Government school, you will need to fill in an official 'Student Registration Form' from the Department of Education Services' (DES) website.
If you would like to send your child to a private school, visit the school's website as early as possible after the birth of your child and apply online. The usual process is as follows: fill in the application form online, the admissions officer will then write back asking for a copy of your child's birth certificate and a deposit, and then closer to the entry date they will ask for a photo and your child's immunisation record. You will then be on the school's waiting list. It is worth noting that although school waiting lists are notoriously long, Cayman is a transient place and parents often put their child's name down on two different schools, so places do often come available with patience and time.
Schools will place your child on their waiting list on a first come, first serve basis, starting in September and finishing in the summer. Therefore, those born from September to February definitely have an advantage of gaining a place at their first-choice school. Please note that siblings, children of alumni, and members of the affiliated church (if it is a faith‐based school) are usually given priority at private schools, so even if your child is on a waiting list, enrolment is not guaranteed. Do not overlook enroling your subsequent children.
Health Screenings
All students entering Government or private schools in the Cayman Islands for the first time are required by law to have a health screening. The Education Department mandates that these screenings must be completed before the new school year begins in September. The screening includes a growth and development assessment, screening for vision and hearing, a dental assessment, the administration of necessary immunisations and obtaining a student’s personal medical history. Public Health Department staff will conduct the screenings, which are free to all students.
Appointments can be made at the school the child will be attending. Parents and guardians need to accompany their children and they should also bring the child’s immunisation record. Vaccines will be offered to children whose immunisations are not up-to-date. Parents may have their child’s health screenings done by a private doctor, as long as that doctor completes the forms provided by the Public Health Department.
The completed forms should be handed in at the John Gray High School Medical Centre (Nurse’s Office) from 4th July to 16th August, between 8.30am and 4.30pm. Once the record has been received, the child will be issued with a health screening certificate, which they must then take with them to school in September. For those attending schools in Cayman Brac or Little Cayman, appointments can be arranged through Public Health Nurse Kedine Hyde at Faith Hospital on (345) 244 7643 or (345) 948 2243.
There is a general perception however, that these tests are undertaken far too late in the education cycle to identify any special education needs in children. Over the years this has put an enormous strain on Government schools where up to 50% of children have been identified with a special education need (SEN). Most SEN problems can begin to be identified from the age of 18 months and are glaringly obvious from the age of 2.5 to 3.5 of age. If spotted early enough many issues can be resolved before the children enter primary school. This should be an easy fix for the Ministry of Education to identify and begin to resolve.
Thankfully the charity LIFE (Literacy Is For Everyone) have been rolling out their Thrive By Five programme and as part of it they have been observing and identifying children in preschools who need their sight and hearing checked. In the face of so much need, there are wonderful people who have identified a problem and are trying to overcome the many challenges out there.
School Uniformskeyboard_arrow_right
While most preschools do not have school uniform, all primary and high schools in Cayman have specified uniforms, as well as shoe and hat policies. Read more to find out how to organise your child’s uniform correctly.
Read MoreSchool Fees & Scholarships
Caymanian students do not pay school fees to attend Government primary and high schools. In the instance that a non-Caymanian student is given a place at a public school, then the school fees are CI$750 per year for primary school, CI$900 per year for middle school and CI$1,200 per year for high school. The fees for private schools vary widely from school to school.
The fees for private schools vary widely from school to school. The top preschools charge in the region of CI$14500-$1600 per month (for a full day), but you can find many daycare centres that charge CI$650 per month (for keeping your children from 7.30am to 5.30pm). However, when it comes to preschool you definitely get what you pay for. The top preschools have the most magical environment where children learn through play and they come out at 4 years of age believing that learning and school is so much fun! They are eager to participate in lessons, have beautiful manners and they have been exposed to endless opportunities to learn about nature, animals, shapes, colours, numbers and early Maths concepts, and they have been taught the look and phonetic sound of the alphabet. Day care centres do not prepare young children like this. According to Peter Carpenter, former head of the Cayman Islands Office of Education Standards, "The lack of preparation in preschool is a fundamental problem. The largest number of ‘weak’ evaluations are in our early years private sector provision."
The top primary schools charge between CI$1,500-CI$2,150 per month and the top high schools charge between CI$1,950-CI$2,950 per month, but lower fees can be found at other schools. Also, if you can pay all the fees at once, and in advance of the start of the school year, then most schools will give you anything from a 2% to a 5% discount. Some schools offer a sibling discount and most private schools prefer the fees to be paid per term or annually, not monthly.
It is worth noting that Government schools only go up to the age of 16 (after CXCs), which does not make for a complete education, so there is enormous pressure on any private school which has a 'Good' rating in their Office of Education Standard report and offers an education to the age of 18. These schools are then oversubscribed with children trying to complete their education so that they can progress on to university.
All Caymanian students accepted at a private school to take A Levels can apply for a scholarship to help pay for their school fees. The full tuition fees are paid for both years of their A Level studies. However, the fees are paid directly to the school, they cannot be spent on incidentals including uniforms. The government also pays for all external exams. Students must get higher passes in GCSE and/or CXC (Caribbean Examination Council) English Language and Mathematics to secure funding. All students must obtain a minimum of 3 x C passes in their AS levels at the end of Year 12 in order to get the funding for the second year of 6th form. The application period for local scholarship funding is March 1st to April 30th. Late applications will not be considered. For more information please see the Scholarships page of the Ministry of Education's website:
Switching Schools
Many Caymanian students leave the public school system and go to a private school either at the beginning of high school (Year 7), at the beginning of Year 9 (a year before GCSEs start) or at the beginning of Year 12 (for the start of A Levels). Many parents in Cayman also send their children to boarding school and we have been told that equal numbers of children leave for the start of years 6, 7, 8 and 9 – the final push being the year before children start GCSEs. When these pupils leave, places in private schools in Cayman are freed up.
Places at Cayman's two private schools which do A Levels (Cayman Prep and High School and St. Ignatius) are few and highly sought after. CPHS has 65 places available in Year 12 and St. Ignatius has 40 places. Every single student, regardless of whether they are existing students at the school or new students, must apply for a place on the A Level programme and must pass the prerequisites required for entry. This is usually a minimum number of IGCSE/GCSE/CXC all with A to C pass rates, and students are usually expected to get an A or a B grade in the GCSE subjects which they have chosen to do at A Level. However, it should be noted that two CXC subjects which are offered at Government high schools, Early Childhood Studies and Electronic Document Preparation and Management (EDPM), are not considered 'access courses' and do not apply to your five subject pass requirement. Also, students and their parents need to be aware that a pass (grade A–C) in English and Maths is a non-negotiable requirement. If you think your child may be struggling in these two subjects try and do everything you can to get them through those courses, including organising some tutoring.
If you do want to enter your child into either of these private schools, you must apply by January of the year of entry and definitely no later than March. This then gives the family time to apply to the Scholarship Secretariat for a scholarship for your Caymanian child. The Scholarship Secretariat's deadline for applications is 30th April annually. Quite a few students also switch between the private schools, but before a switch can take place, and in addition to the normal paperwork (assessments) etc., there is a transfer form, designed and managed by the Private Schools Association (PSA), that must be completed by the current school and forwarded to the new school. As well as a standard report on the child’s performance and behaviour, this form clearly states whether financial commitments have been met. It is an essential component of the acceptance process for students transferring within the private school system.
Child Safeguarding Training Requirements
All teaching staff and all those that intend to work in an educational institution, and could be alone with a child, must undergo Ministry of Education approved safeguarding training prior to starting work. What it involves, and how often you have to do it, is outlined on the Adult Education page. Volunteers, and those that have limited or no contact with children, can undertake some training but this is left to the discretion of the educational institution. Pre-employment training includes doing the Darkness to Light programme (modules 1 and 2), or a similar approved course. Once employed each employee must do the a) Child Safeguarding Workshop Online Module b) Child Safeguarding’s Skills Development & Practical In-Person Module which can both be organised by the Ministry of Education. Email Camila Ferreira on to get started. Finally, ongoing mini training and refresher courses are required at the beginning of each new school year.
Cayman’s public libraries are a great place to inspire your child to read and to encourage their love for books.