Buying food in bulk is a great way to save both time, money and the environment (due to less packaging). Useful items to buy in bulk are napkins, toilet paper, kitchen towels, cleaning products, nappies (pampers), non-perishable food, soft drinks and family-style portions of frozen, canned and dry foods, just to name a few.
The following stores carry canned and dry goods (which are great for stocking up on emergency supplies during hurricane season), frozen meats and seafood and a limited selection of fresh produce, frozen ready-made meals, as well as a wide variety of children’s toys, home appliances, ice chests, personal care products, musical instruments, televisions and other electronics, plus well priced office supplies.
Buying in bulk also means fewer shopping trips and savings on your monthly outgoings.
Hurricane Checklistkeyboard_arrow_right
It's very useful to buy your hurricane supplies in bulk from the stores below. Check out our in depth checklist of food and other essentials to add to your list and get prepared for the summer.
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