Duty free means the Government has not added any import or customs duty to items when they are imported into Cayman, while tax free refers to the absence of any form of sales tax in the Islands.
Without the mark-up of duty fees, sales tax, GST or VAT Island retail prices can be considerably less than in mainland countries.
When buying products in a duty free, tax free market, there can also be pricing benefits that come directly from the manufacturers. Many luxury goods manufacturers fix the retail prices of their products and dictate that retailers do not sell them for less than the prescribed price.
These are typically set according to country or geographic area. However, in duty free markets, manufacturers will generally allow retailers to offer better pricing than customers might expect in their home market. It pays to shop around, particularly on Saturdays when George Town is quiet.
Duty free cameras and leather goods are often cheaper in Cayman. You will also find a wealth of high-end goods such as duty free jewellery, watches, precious stones, antiques and more, all from world-class brands.