Most of us, at some point in our lives, will require some additional support to help us deal with the challenges of life in the modern world. There are many support groups and counselling services available which offer compassionate and non-judgmental assistance to help people overcome their hurdles.
Listed here you will find various counselling and support service so that you'll never struggle to find a helping hand when you need one.

Counselling & Support Services
CICC Aftercare Programme
Tel: (345) 949 0366
The Aftercare Programme provides follow up care to former Emergency Shelter clients, who have been victims of domestic abuse and/or sexual assault and are starting their lives free from abuse. The purpose of this programme is to provide a continuum of support after clients leave the shelter and to identify and reduce risk factors surrounding abuse.
Achieve Cayman
Tel: Teena (345) 327 9999 or Trisha (345) 321 4100
Focused on family centred wellness, Achieve Cayman provides counselling and therapy support for parents and speech therapy services for children.
Tel: (345) 923 7917
A support group that provides strength, understanding and hope for friends and families affected by someone’s problem drinking. Meetings are confidential and each member’s personal anonymity is protected. At present, meetings are held on Zoom on Tuesday and Thursday at 7pm (contact for links). On Saturday at 4pm, meetings are held in-person.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Tel: (345) 926 9044
Meetings are held at least once a day. Check the website for times and locations.
Alex Panton Foundation (APF)
The APF is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to improve the mental health of children and adolescents in the Cayman Islands through advocacy, awareness and support, with a particular focus on anxiety and depression. Throughout the year, it hosts various support groups, educational and community outreach programmes, an annual youth mental health symposium and provides financial aid for people aged 30 years and younger to receive mental health treatment and services.
In January 2023, APF opened an Adolescent Mental Health Hub called 'Alex's Place' for children and adolescents aged 10-20 experiencing mental health issues. Alex's Place's hours are Monday to Friday 10am-6pm. Walk-ins and referrals are welcome. For more information, Tel: (345) 244 7856 or (345) 949 8600, or visit
In March 2024, the Kids Helpline phone and text line was launched. The Kids Helpline is a project created by the Alex Panton Foundation that offers educational materials on mental health difficulties, in addition to listening services by trained volunteers. Confidential and anonymous phone line and chat service for teens and young adults, with trained volunteers. Call them at (345) 649 5437 or text them online through their website or app between Thursday - Sunday, 3pm-9pm. The App is available for download through the Apple & Google Play Stores.
Alzheimer’s & Dementia Association of the Cayman Islands (ADACI)
Tel: (345) 936 1655 or (345) 924 4170
The ADACI promotes awareness for all forms of dementia with a focus on Alzheimer’s. It sources and facilitates training for medical professionals and first responders, counsels people with Alzheimer’s and educates caregivers and family members about the stages of Alzheimer’s and how to provide care. It also provides one-off financial assistance to patients.
Aspire Therapeutic Services
Crown Square Plaza, Unit A13, 71 Eastern Avenue
Tel: (345) 743 6700
Aspire is a specialist psychological health provider who work with children and adults that have complex additional needs due to trauma, disability or more.
Behavioral Health Associates Cayman (BHAC)
Hospital Road Plaza, Unit B, 2nd Floor
Tel: (345) 746 0066
BHAC is a comprehensive psychiatric practice dedicated to providing the highest quality mental health services to children, adolescents, adults, and families in a caring, patient-friendly environment.
Bethesda Counselling Centre
68 Mary Street, George Town
Tel: (345) 946 6575
Telemental health therapy, face-to-face individual and group counselling/therapy and online counselling offered for all types of issues.
Cayman Heart Foundation (CHF)
Tel: (345) 916 6324 or (345) 746 1490
Cayman Heart Foundation is a non-profit dedicated to improving cardiovascular health for all in the Cayman Islands. This includes educating the public on heart disease and stroke prevention, encouraging fitness and good nutrition, delivering programmes that lower obesity rates, and influencing policy and investments to support healthy lifestyles. It supports access to high-quality cardiovascular care through various programmes and initiatives like CPR training, funding lifesaving medical equipment, and financially assisting those in need of lifesaving treatment. It offers free wellness screenings to the public regardless of their status or insurance coverage, including tests for blood pressure, height, weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, cholesterol and glucose.
Cayman Hope Foundation
Operations Manager: Brent Hydes
Tel: (345) 928 9099
The non-profit, non-governmental, non-denominational Hope for Today Foundation is a coalition of volunteers dedicated to helping and supporting recovering drug addicts and alcoholics through the transition from prison or treatment to community life. If you need their help or would like to get involved, please make contact.
Cayman Islands Crisis Centre (CICC)
Tel: (345) 949 0366
24-hour Crisis Line: (345) 943 2422
A charitable organisation focused on combatting domestic and sexual abuse through education and assistance to all victims of abuse. All services are confidential and include temporary Emergency Shelter, a 24-hour crisis line, TAYA Lounge – a teen and young adults' afterschool programme for at-risk youth aged 14-21; Estella’s Place - a walk-in centre for all victims of domestic abuse, and ongoing support and services for the Cayman Islands community. Their 24/7 Emergency Shelter is currently offered to women and children who experienced domestic abuse. Various services are available to shelter residents include adult case management, risk assessments, safety planning, individual and psychoeducational groups, resource referrals, advocacy and the Children and Youth Programme.
Cayman LGBTQ Foundation
Tel: (345) 526 1001
The LGBTQ Foundation works toward creating and maintaining a safe, inclusive and equitable culture for the LGBTQ+ community of the Cayman Islands. The Foundation is committed to building a safe and culturally sensitive environment between the Cayman Islands.
Tel: 1 (800) 534 6463 (MIND)
A free and confidential mental health helpline for adults who may be experiencing mental health concerns, distress, despair or suicidal thoughts. The helpline aims to help individuals cope with day-to-day struggles, anxiety, depression, stress, or any other mental health issue. Trained volunteers provide a listening ear and empathetic support. Callers are encouraged to explore their feelings without fear or prejudice. The helpline is available from Monday to Friday 6pm to 11pm.
Children and Youth Programme (CAYP)
Tel: (345) 949 0366
CAYP provides intervention and prevention services for school-aged children who accompany their mothers to the Emergency Shelter and who either witnessed or are victims of domestic abuse. This programme focuses on the safeguarding, safety and wellbeing of children.
Colours Caribbean
Tel: (345) 324 3779
Colours Caribbean is a registered non-profit organisation locally operated in the Cayman Islands. They aim to cultivate a bold and visible community for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual (LGBTQIA+) people of the Caribbean and Latin America by building a network of regional businesses and public venues free of discrimination and harassment towards anyone based on their gender identity or sexual orientation. Colours Caribbean advocates for LGBTQIA+ rights as human rights and promotes the inclusion and equality of LGBTQIA+ persons. Members of the Colours Collective meet regularly to organise events and discuss plans to promote visibility, provide education and encourage dialogue surrounding local LGBTQIA+ issues.
The Department of Counselling Services
75 Fort Street, Adonis House, George Town
Tel: (345) 949 8789
Provides quality, evidence-based programmes to help empower individuals and families.
Estella’s Place
Tel: (345) 949 0366
A walk-in centre is available to survivors (women, men and children) of domestic abuse. Services include supportive listening, crisis support, risk assessment, safety planning, advocacy and referrals.
Family Resource Centre
75 Fort Street, Adonis House, George Town
Tel: (345) 949 0006
The FRC provides services and programmes aimed at developing healthy family relationships.
Homeschooling Support Group
Meets monthly and gives home-schooled families the opportunity to network with other families, ask questions, get ideas and encourage other home-schoolers. Find them on Facebook: Cayman Homeschoolers. Note: The Department of Education wants to remind everyone that families must be registered to home-school their children in the Cayman Islands. See the Education of Cayman Resident for more information on home schooling.
Hope Academy (Clinical Services)
1053 Crewe Road, Grand Harbour
Tel: (345) 769 4673
Hope Academy offers a wide range of clinical services from consultation, assessment, education, and treatment. Their clinicians are committed to providing a comprehensive, treatment team approach within a supportive, nurturing and healing environment.
HSA Mental Health Services
Behavioural Health, 3rd Floor at Smith Road Centre, 150 Smith Road
Tel: (345) 949 5600
The HSA Behavioural Health Department provides a variety of services for children, adolescents and families. These include therapy for anxiety, trauma, and depression; neuropsychology and psychiatric consultation and medication management and more.
Inclusion Cayman
81 Godfrey Nixon Way, Corporate Plaza, Units 6-8
Tel: (345) 623 2957
A non-profit organisation supporting individuals and families with Intellectual and developmental disabilities in their vision of accessing inclusive lives. They provide disability advocacy for persons with intellectual or developmental disabilities seeking involvement in community life activities, education, and employment to ensure all community members can meaningfully access, participate and belong in the Cayman Islands. Visit their Facebook and Instagram for more details.
Infinite Mind Care
Tel: (345) 926 0882
Infinite Mind Care provides evidence based counselling for children, adolescents and adults with emotional, social and behavioural concerns.
KidsAbility Paediatric Therapy Clinic Ltd.
273 Elgin Avenue, Unit 8, Midtown Plaza
Tel: (345) 943 5437
KidsAbility is a positive, child-friendly, family-based, multi-disciplinary paediatric therapy clinic that uses verified practice in a play-based setting. They work to educate families on how to meet their children's goals at home and school.
Kids Helpline
Tel: (345) 649 5437
A confidential and anonymous phone line and chat service for teens and young adults, with trained volunteers. It also offers educational materials on mental health difficulties. Available 3pm-9pm from Thursday to Sunday. For more information, call or chat with them online.
Life Options Counselling Services
Tel: (345) 940 5433
Life Options is a private mental health wellness practice providing psychotherapy and life coaching services.
Light After Loss
Tel: (345) 936 1103
It aims to support the mental wellness of mothers after the loss of a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth or early infant death. Through its unique approach, the group cultivates communities of healing connection. It provides financial resources to help ensure that every mother receives the physical and emotional care needed after the loss of a baby.
MS Foundation of the Cayman Islands
Alexander Place, Dorcy Drive
Tel: (345) 323 0656
This is a non-profit organisation for multiple sclerosis patients in Grand Cayman. Created to spread awareness of the disease but also to provide emotional and financial support to MS patients and their families. Both volunteers and donations are greatly appreciated.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
Tel: (345) 929 6262
Narcotics Anonymous aims to provide an environment in which addicts can help one another to stop using drugs and find a new way to live.
The New Self-Help Community Foundation
CEO: James Ramoon
Tel: (345) 927 4777 or (345) 927 7273
Created to inspire young people to take responsibility for their future by implementing high-impact programmes which emphasise strong social, cultural and educational values. The group aims to promote positive self-esteem, foster economic development and positively transform the lives of children, their families and their communities.
OnCourse Cayman
Unit 130, Regatta Office Park, George Town
Tel: (345) 745 6463
With the uniqueness of each client in mind, Dr Bodden of OnCourse Cayman treats patients individually, with her specialty in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) and Solution-Focused Therapy.
CICC Outreach Programme
Tel: (345) 949 0366
The Outreach Programme seeks to prevent domestic abuse by raising awareness and providing information and prevention education on the issues of domestic abuse, sexual assault, the effects of domestic abuse on children, child abuse prevention and healthy relationships to public, community organisations, schools, churches, and businesses. This programme enhances CICC’s visibility in the public eye, promotes and improves access to their services as well as to other service providers.
Teens and Young Adults Programme (TAYA)
Tel: (345) 949 0366 ext.6
The TAYA Lounge is the at-risk teens and young adults domestic abuse prevention and awareness after-school programme. The primary purpose of TAYA Lounge is to end the generational cycle of abuse, provide safe and supportive environment and ongoing therapeutic intervention, give young people the tools to build healthy relationships, identify unhealthy relationships, prevent teen dating abuse, domestic abuse and its long-lasting harmful effect on individuals and their communities. It also helps to develop resilience, coping skills and finding effective ways to conflict resolution.
The Sickle Cell Support Group
Tel: (345) 244 2630
The group meets in the George Town Hospital women's health waiting room to discuss various aspects of this disease.