The civic-minded and socially responsible among us have numerous groups to consider donating our time to. It is always important to try and help others, especially in the midst of trying times.
We have curated this guide to the service clubs in the Cayman Islands, who are always looking for a helping hand, new members and kindness, so that you can find the organisation that's right for you.

Service Clubs
100 Men That Give A Damn!
A group of 100+ men each give CI$100 directly to one of three charities four times a year. Each quarter, members attend a one-hour meeting where three charities present their causes. Members vote to determine which charity will receive the total CI$10,000+.
100 Women Who Care
Join the women who make a difference in the Cayman community. 100 Women Who Care hosts events four times a year. For your CI$100 donation at each event, they offer a fun and relaxed networking hour with the chance to win prizes. All donations are combined and awarded to the winning charity voted for by you on the night. For more details, please visit their website or their Facebook page.
Business & Professional Women’s (BPW) Club of Grand Cayman
An influential network of business and professional women from 96 countries with consultative status at the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and participatory status with the Council of Europe. The root of BPW’s advocacy is embedded in its work with the United Nations. BPW lobbied for the formation of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) and has supported many women’s issues. Visit their Facebook page for meeting times and locations. They run regular social events, fundraisers and community events.
IWIRC Aim Higher Mentoring
Tel: (345) 949 8444 or (345) 749 4013
Email: or
IWIRC Aim Higher is an exciting mentoring programme with the aim of providing support to 15-16-year-old students at John Gray High School. The programme runs from October to May each year. During term time, mentors meet with the students one lunchtime per week to help them set and achieve their goals. The programme coordinators are always on the lookout for new mentors and offer a training course to teach volunteers how to use study skills, knowledge and active listening techniques to support the students. Volunteers must complete the Darkness to Light Child Protection training course and provide a police clearance certificate.
Kiwanis Club of Grand Cayman
Email: or
The club actively promotes the well-being of children in the community. Kiwanis Club sponsors and aids five key clubs in local high schools and a Circle K group at UCCI. Over the years, the club has played an active part in helping with school luncheons at eight Government primary schools and, this past year, at some of the high school divisions. Its popular festive annual family fun day, ‘Santa Landing’, takes place in December, and it's one of Cayman’s youth's favourite events. The club also runs a mobile reading programme. Annual fundraisers include KiwaniBike, Breakfast for Dinner and various other events. For information on club meetings and projects, visit their website or contact President Dr Tanikaya Grant-Davis at (345) 924 4055.
Lions Club of Grand Cayman
President: Lion Michael Havlin
Tel: (345) 938 8545
Meetings take place on the first and third Thursday of each month at 7.30pm and are held at the Lions Community Centre. Projects include sight preservation, PACCE (Prostate and Colon Cancer Event), The Delano Hislop Memorial Run/Walk, Spelling Bee, Community Food Pantry and more. The current President is Patricia Forbes.
Lions Club of Tropical Gardens
President: Cato Lee
Tel: (345) 936 1739
Meetings take place on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6.30pm and are held at Mike Simmons Den (across from Mango Tree). During the Breast Cancer Awareness month of October, the club provides mammogram vouchers in addition to educational programmes to increase awareness.
Mangrove Rangers Cayman
An organisation that monitors the ecological health of the mangrove ecosystems in Cayman, collects data on the human impacts on these ecosystems through observation and educates the community in understanding the true value of mangrove conservation. They are also looking to recruit Junior Rangers between the ages of 11 and 18 to learn more about conservation through exploration of the mangroves, coral reef and seagrass ecosystems. Activities include field trips by foot, boat or kayak. For more information, visit their website or follow them on social media (@mangroverangersky) and keep an eye out for fun events throughout the year.
Plastic Free Cayman
An organisation that arranges regular clean-ups in the hopes of reducing plastic pollution. The organisation focuses on educating and making the public aware of the harmful effects that plastic pollution has on Cayman and the world. Join the fight against plastic pollution by taking the 345 Pledge and help work towards a Plastic Free Cayman. For more information about upcoming clean-ups, head to their Instagram page (@plastic_free_cayman).
Rotaract Blue
Rotaract Blue is a non-profit organisation that caters to young adults between the ages of 18 and 30. Rotaract Blue’s meetings are held at Cimboco on Lawrence Bl, SMB every Thursday at 7am.
Rotary Club of Grand Cayman
The club supports local and international community projects in the spirit of ‘Service above Self’. The group meets every Thursday at 12.30pm at various locations, including Grand Old House and the Westin hotel. Meeting locations are subject to change, so visit the website beforehand.
Rotary Club of Cayman Brac
Meets at the Cayman Brac Beach Resort conference room, West End on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7pm.
Rotary Club of Central Cayman Islands (Rotary Central)
President: Mrs Jennifer Leach-Tippetts
The club meets at Saltwater Grill, Galleria Plaza on Tuesdays at 7.30pm.
Rotary Sunrise
The club meets on Wednesdays at 6.45am for a 7am start at the George Town Yacht Club.