Dengue is a viral infection spread by mosquitoes. It is widespread in many parts of the world and is especially prevalent in the Caribbean region.
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The infection is usually mild and passes after about 1 week without causing any lasting problems. But in rare cases it can be very serious and potentially life threatening.
From the latest statistical informational available from Public Health, in 2023 a total number of eighteen dengue cases were recorded in the Cayman Islands. Of the 18 cases, 9 are considered imported cases with recent travel history where Dengue transmission is known, whereas the remaining 9 cases had no travel history and are considered locally acquired cases. No information on the number of cases that were confirmed in 2024, if indeed there were any, has been released.
As there is no sustained transmission of the disease, dengue is not categorised as endemic to the Cayman Islands. However, it is still wise to avoid being bitten by a mosquito and to familiarise yourself with the symptoms should you become sick.
There is no specific treatment or widely available vaccine for dengue. Most people recover without complications using pain relievers and bed rest. Aspirin should be avoided.
One of our closest neighbours, Jamaica, has had far higher cases of dengue. According to the Jamaican Ministry of Health & Wellness, as of January 2024 there were 1,534 suspected, (presumed and confirmed) cases of Dengue.
All travellers heading to Jamaica should monitor the dengue situation in the country and do whatever they can to not get bitten by mosquitos. For more information, please contact the Public Health Department on (345) 244 2648.
The Virus
Dengue is spread by infected mosquitoes, usually the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus varieties. The mosquitoes get infected by biting an infected person in the first week of the illness. The virus cannot be spread directly form person-to-person.
About one in four people infected with dengue will get sick. Even if you do not feel sick, travellers returning from areas with risk of dengue should take steps to prevent mosquito bites for 3 weeks so they do not spread dengue to mosquitoes that could go on to spread the virus to other people.
There are four types of the dengue virus. For this reason, a person can be infected with a dengue virus as many as four times in his or her lifetime. Those most at risk for developing severe dengue are those who have had the infection before, pregnant women, and infants.
The severe form of dengue, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), can lead to circulatory system failure and shock, and can be fatal.
Symptoms usually develop about 5 to 8 days after being bitten. Symptoms can include:
- High temperature, or feeling hot/shivery
- Severe headache
- Pain behind the eyes
- Muscle and joint pain
- Feeling or being sick
- A widespread red rash (may not be visible on dark-skinned persons)
- Tummy pain and loss of appetite
In rare cases dengue can be very serious and potentially life threatening. Signs of severe dengue can include:
- Severe tummy pain
- Swollen tummy
- Being sick repeatedly and vomiting blood
- Bleeding gums or bleeding under the skin
- Breathing difficulties or fast breathing
- Cold, clammy skin
- A weak but fast pulse
- Drowsiness or loss of consciousness
How to Stay Safe
The best way to protect yourself against dengue fever is to avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes. The following can reduce your risk of being bitten:
- Use mosquito repellents
- Products with DEET and Picaridin provide the best protection (not suitable for infants younger than 2 months)
- Research the best repellent that would be suitable for your needs
- If sunscreen is also needed, apply sunscreen first and repellent second
- During peak mosquito hours (late afternoon), wear lose but protective clothing – mosquitoes can bite through tight-fitting clothes
- When indoors, stay in air-conditioned or screen areas
- Pre-soak or spray outer layer clothing with permethrin
Another precaution you can take is to reduce the Aedes aegypti population locally by clearing yards of containers that can hold water, as these are favourite breeding sites.
Travel Restrictions
The Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) has not recommended any travel or trade restrictions in Caribbean/Latin America region.