Despite a growing population, there are still many employment opportunities available in the Cayman Islands.
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The Cayman Islands has numerous employment opportunities in the financial services industry, making it a desirable jurisdiction to be employed in and attractive to professionals from around the world.
Overseas Job Seekers
Financial service businesses, including reinsurance firms and family offices of high-net-worth individuals, have been continuously moving to Cayman in recent years. The need to show an economic presence in Cayman has incited some of this growth, as has the huge need for compliance workers who are quickly snapped up by legal and corporate services firms.
Jobs in other sectors (medical, education, construction and retail) exist mainly to meet the demands of the local market. Jobs in the tourism sector are also growing, especially with the introduction of a few new hotels which have just been completed (Hotel Indigo and Vida). Many jobs are available in these fields and we discuss them in detail later in this chapter. The Island has a well-educated local workforce, but the need for qualified accounting, finance, actuarial, compliance and financial services professionals, especially those who are designated and have at least a few years of experience, outnumbers the availability of candidates locally.
The Fall 2023 Labour Force Survey (LFS), which was published in April 2024, estimates that the total labour force has increased to reach 60,513 people, a rise of 5% compared to the 2022 figures, while the percentage of those unemployed is at 3.3%. The LFS report also estimates that the population of the Islands as of Fall 2023 was 84,738, and of those, 39,068 were Caymanians, 5,885 were Permanent Residents and 39,785 were non-Caymanians. Foreign workers make up a larger percentage of our current workforce and represent 137 different countries. Of the labour force, 22,706 were Caymanian, 5,341 were Permanent Residents and 32,466 were non-Caymanians.
The most effective approach to finding good employment depends on what type of role you are suited for and how soon you wish to relocate.
Job seekers can keep an eye on LinkedIn, sign up to the careers page of employers on island that they are interested in, or contact the in-house recruitment team at the organisations that they would like to apply to. They could also reach out to one of the locally based recruitment agencies in Cayman.
Work Permits
Strict work permit regulations exist to ensure that Caymanians, the spouses of Caymanians, Permanent Residents and existing Residents are given preference, in that order, for any position. The rules present some unique hurdles to the expatriate jobseeker, so a basic understanding of this process is required to put the employment market in context and avoid finding yourself in a position that is improvident at best and disastrous at worst.
Unless contracted to Government, expatriates must either hold a valid work permit, a Special Economic Zone Certificate, a Certificate of Direct Investment, a Residency and Employment Rights Certificate or hold Permanent Residency with the right to work in a prescribed occupation (or occupations) in order to work and reside in the Cayman Islands. The administration of work permits is the responsibility of the Cayman Islands Government Department of Workforce Opportunities and Residency Cayman (WORC) and they are the legal obligation of your employer. There is also an understandable emphasis on the training of local staff to ensure that they have an opportunity to develop their skills. The onus is on the employer to demonstrate to WORC that they have tried to fill the position with a Caymanian by advertising the job on the JobsCayman website. Only after all efforts to recruit locally have failed can the employer rightfully justify a work permit application. This process must be repeated periodically (usually once every two years) depending on the employer’s circumstances. Some employees can, however, be granted work permits of up to five years duration or, in relation to senior positions in the financial services industry, up to 25 years.
Full Work Permits can take as long as three months to be processed. Temporary Work Permits (for anything from 30 days up to six months) can be granted within a matter of days (if an express fee is paid). A Seasonal Worker’s Permit allows the employee to work for eight months. Exemptions from the work permit restrictions can apply in particular circumstances for short-term visits and other types of permission, such as a Business Visitor’s Permit or even a Visitor’s Work Visa, which may be appropriate alternatives.
Note: A work permit is granted for a specific position with a specific employer and must be made by the employer; an individual cannot apply for one without the employer. This means that a work permit holder is not entitled to work in any other capacity or for any other employer, and any significant changes to the person’s role within an organisation must be approved by WORC prior to the individual taking up a revised role or a revised role with an additional employer. If you want to take up employment with a different company while you have an existing work permit, your current employer must cancel your permit using the A11 form (Request to Withdraw/Cancel/Refund an Application) which is available on the WORC website. This then releases you from your current work permit. Ideally, this should be submitted on the same day as your new work permit is submitted which means that you will not need to leave the Island while your new work permit is processing. However, do not leave the Island on vacation while your new work permit is processing or your current ability to stay on the Island will cease until your new work permit is approved. You should, therefore, be doubly sure that any position is right for you before committing to a long-term contract. Once employed, you should take some time to consider your situation before your employer applies for your full work permit, as you are effectively bound to them from the time of application until the expiry of the permit unless the permit is cancelled at the employer’s request.
It is unlikely an employer will be granted a work permit unless the proposed expatriate employee is professionally qualified or very well experienced in a relevant field, or there is no interest in the position from the local workforce (which is actually fairly common). This creates something of a ‘Catch 22’ for those expatriates without a professional qualification. The better the position, the higher the level of interest from the local workforce and the less likely it is that an expatriate will be granted a work permit.
There are certain occupations that presently seem to hold little appeal for existing residents. These are often positions that offer little job security, irregular or anti-social hours of work, or a somewhat unpredictable or unreliable income stream. Examples of such lines of work are diving, nursing, construction, food and beverage service, security services and most commission-based sales positions.
Labour Force & Work Permit Numbers
As of July 2024, there were 37,334 work permits in effect, up from 36,263 in 2023 and 32,184 in 2022. These work permit holders hail from 137 different countries, including Jamaica (15,427), the Philippines (6,463), India (2,081), the UK (2,024), Nepal (1,246), Canada (1,197), Honduras (1,172), the US (919), Nicaragua (715), South Africa (675), Ireland (372) and Kenya (334).
Labour Force by Work Permit Occupations
Of the 37,334 work permits as of July 2024, there were over 1,200 different jobs listed, however, the largest numbers were in the following categories: Domestic Helpers (4,210), Janitors (2,324), Food and Beverage Service Staff (1,780), Masons (1,656), Carpenters (1,115), Kitchen Helpers (1,096), Gardeners (1,058), Security Officers (761), Retail Cashiers (740), Line Cooks (612), Building Construction Labourers (487), Cooks (413), Registered Nurses (399), Primary School and Pre-School Teachers (659) and Lawyers (243) to name a few.
Rules on Residing On-Island Whilst a Work Permit is Processing
WORC authorities generally dictate that individuals should not be present in the Cayman Islands while a work permit application is in process. However, this does not apply if you are already legally resident, including, for example, working legally on a Temporary Work Permit and the full version is submitted to WORC before your Temporary Work Permit expires, or having been released from your work permit and being regularised as a visitor (without leaving the Island). Generally speaking, without special circumstances or the consent of the Director of WORC, no one is permitted to remain in the Cayman Islands as a tourist/visitor while a work permit application is being considered and you should not be on the Island once this is submitted. Once your permit is approved, you can return to the Cayman Islands and start working.
It should be noted that if you come to the Cayman Islands on a Temporary Work Permit, and your subsequent Full Work Permit application is denied, you will have to cease work immediately and may have to leave Cayman on short notice, unless permitted to remain by virtue of some other provision or unless the denial is being appealed.
Rules on Dependants
It is important to be aware that your spouse or children are not automatically entitled to reside in Cayman even if you hold a valid permit. They must be named dependants on the permit and a separate application must be filed if they were not added at the time of submission of your Temporary Work Permit. All accompanying dependants must also submit an original medical cover letter if over 18 years of age and, for a spouse, a certified copy of your marriage licence, civil partnership, any final divorce decree if applicable, and a police clearance certificate. If the dependant is a child, a certified birth certificate naming you as a parent is required. You should also note that if your child is of compulsory school age, as the parent you have a duty to secure attendance at school in accordance with the Education Act (2016). Where appropriate, arrangements for homeschooling can be made. WORC will consider, along with other factors, your ability to financially support your dependants. Dependants can also be added to a Temporary Work Permit or a Work Permit Grant.
Work Permit Term Limits: ‘The Roll Over’ Policy
In 2004, the Cayman Islands introduced an immigration ‘term limits’ policy, a necessary consequence of the near-exponential growth of the population over the previous four decades. Under current provisions, most expatriate workers can only remain in the Cayman Islands for a maximum of nine years unless they have applied for Permanent Residency (PR) after passing eight years of legal and ordinary residence. All such applications must generally be made by the ninth anniversary of the expatriates’ arrival to live in the Cayman Islands.
The points system for awarding PR provides workers with greater transparency and certainty. This system permits everyone who qualifies to apply for Permanent Residency following a clear and objective set of criteria.
Labour Law - Know Your Rights
We strongly advise you to become familiar with your employee handbook, the Labour Act (2021 Revision), and the Gender Equality Law (2011 Revision). Below are some of the highlights of the laws governing employment in the Cayman Islands:
Sexual Harassment: The Gender Equality Law (2011 Revision), states that sexual harassment is illegal in the Cayman Islands.
Maternity Leave: The Labour Act (2021 Revision) stipulates that 12 calendar weeks must be granted for maternity leave. The amount of paid maternity leave is four weeks (20 days) of full pay; four weeks of half pay and four weeks of no pay, for all female employees who have completed 12 months of employment. Otherwise, it will be on a prorated basis. In March 2024, the Cayman Islands Government increased maternity and paternity leave for civil servants. Maternity leave increased from 90 to 110 working days and the paid portion of maternity leave has increased from 30 to 60 working days on normal pay. Paternity leave has increased to 20 working days, with 10 days on normal pay and the remainder without pay.
Holiday Pay: According
to the Labour Act (2021), each employee is entitled to a minimum of two
weeks’ vacation (10 working days) for the first four years of
employment, three weeks (or 15 working days) for years four to 10, and
four weeks (20 days) if employed for over 10 years for the same company. [Editor's
note: there are also 11 Public Holidays per year in Grand Cayman. If
your future employer requires you to work on a Saturday, and then gives
you the Monday off as a regular part of your weekend, make sure that
they account for all the Public Holidays and give them back to you as
days in lieu, or they pay you for them.]
Severance Pay: Under
the Labour Act (2021), all employees who have continually worked for
their employer for more than a year are entitled to receive severance
pay if their employment is terminated for any reason other than for
misconduct and poor performance, at a rate of one weeks’ salary for
every completed year of service. For part-time employees, severance pay
is calculated based on the ratio of their hours of employment to the
standard work week.
Sick Leave Pay: If an employee takes any sick days in a full calendar year of employment, they are entitled to be paid their basic wage for a total of 10 days. Usually an employer will ask for a doctors note if you are sick for more than two days.
Unfair Dismissal: If an employee
feels that they have been unfairly dismissed they have 90 days from the
date the employment was terminated to file a claim for unfair dismissal
with the Department of Labour and Pensions. If the employee is
successful with their claim they may be entitled to further compensation
if the Labour Tribunal deems fit.
Minimum Wage: The
current national minimum wage is CI$6 and it is generally agreed that
this does not provide a living wage. Domestic helpers who receive benefits (such as a car and accommodation) in their salary package cannot be paid less than CI$4.50 per hour. The minimum wage for service staff is CI$7 per hour. Ensure that you negotiate your salary with your
employer as the majority of employers now offer more than the minimum wage per hour as they
know that it is next to impossible to live on CI$240 per week or CI$1,040 per
month for a regular 40 hour week.
Pension Payments:
If you are Caymanian, your new employer must start paying your pension immediately. If you are an expat, your employer can allow you a 9-month grace period before they have to start paying your pension. However, if you leave the Island for more than three months, then your 9-month grace period starts over. Normal retirement age is 65 and early retirement age is 55.
Overtime & Weekend Hours
As is the case in most leading jurisdictions around the world, many companies expect their employees to work beyond the normal eight-hour workday. Conversely, standard Human Resource (HR) practices may vary from country to country. Before taking a job, familiarise yourself with the work culture. Ask your prospective employer’s HR professional whether overtime pay or time in lieu is provided.
Knowledge of the Labour Act will assist you in determining what is legal in the Cayman Islands from an employment law standpoint. Check the Department of Labour and Pensions’ website ( for more information. The Cayman Islands Society for HR Professionals ( is also a great resource.
Finding a Job
Despite a growing population, there are still many employment opportunities available in the Cayman Islands. In July 2024, one of the Island’s leading financial services recruitment agencies told Cayman Resident that there are “big things on the horizon for Cayman”, especially in the reinsurance industry, where a lot of growth is expected in the next five years. For professionals looking for jobs in this blossoming industry in Cayman, it is advisable to reach out to employment agencies as they are finding that new firms in this space are coming to agencies to assist with recruitment as they don’t have local connections to build their initial staff. The fields of accounting, compliance, law and financial services are also looking for staff and well-qualified candidates are snapped up. The medical industry is strikingly different to what it was five years ago, with lots of need for specialist doctors and qualified nurses, which has increased the potential for overseas candidates in this industry. There are still no recruitment agencies on Grand Cayman that specialise in this space, so direct applications to the different hospitals/clinics are your best bet for finding new positions.
This is a time of amazing opportunity for well qualified Caymanians, especially those in the financial services field, as they are highly sought after and in much demand. However, it is commonly acknowledged that the appetite for qualified financial professionals outnumbers supply, and population growth is just not filling high-level finance jobs. Although there are 37,334 work permits in issue as of July 2024, these jobs fill a genuine need across a span of positions, from gardener to managing director. A very effective way to look for work in Cayman, whether local or expatriate, is to register with local recruitment agencies, as they are often tasked with finding suitable candidates and have access to roles that you may otherwise miss out on. Another option to investigate is whether an existing business could set up a branch within Cayman Enterprise City, as they would then work in Cayman from the Special Economic Zone (SEZ).
TechCayman which provides founders, startups, and tech companies with streamlined business relocation and immigration services, including fast-track work permits, flexible setup, and seamless relocation for employees and their families, also bring many companies to Cayman. See their website for their sponsored enterprises.
Expatriate workers should be very wary of being offered a job in the gardening, domestic helper or handyman fields in Cayman. They must ensure that there is a genuine job for them in Cayman. We have received stories of overseas workers getting a work permit, which they have illegally been asked to pay for themselves. Then, having taken out a loan to get themselves here, they arrive in Cayman to find that there is no job and they have no way to support themselves or get themselves home. For more information on this story and the abuse of vulnerable foreign workers in Cayman please read this very good article by journalist James Whittaker at the Cayman Compass.
Caymanian Job Seekers
If you are an educated or skilled Caymanian, you should have an advantage in this job market, particularly in certain sectors such as the financial services industry. Keep an eye on LinkedIn, contact employers in the fields you are interested in, and sign up to their careers page.
In addition to contacting any of the local recruitment agencies on Grand Cayman for assistance in finding a job, Caymanian job seekers can also register with the Workforce Opportunities and Residency Cayman (WORC) and see what jobs are available. Please see here.
As a government public/private initiative the Ready2Work KY programme is designed to support employers as they make efforts to employ Caymanians, and support Caymanians as they seek to gain and maintain employment. While employers focus on the development of technical and subject matter skills and expertise, the Ready2Work KY team is on hand and ready to deliver services designed to address any barriers to employment. Caymanians, those married to Caymanians, Permanent Residents or Legal and Ordinary Residents are invited to join one of the orientation sessions which provide in depth information about the various programmes on offer such as Ready2Work KY, Passport2Success, Internships, Apprenticeships, Job Link and other employment initiatives. To register for the programme you will need to fill out and submit the Ready2Work Application Form online. Amongst other things, it will ask you what areas of employment you are interested in, whether you have access to transportation, reliable internet, a computer and childcare for your children, if you have children. It will also ask if you have registered with WORC. Once you have gone through this stage you will be asked to produce your passport, birth certificate, Caymanian Status letter and proof of your immigration paperwork. You will be required to upload the documents noted below depending on your immigration status.
If you would like to participate in Ready2Work KY, contact (345) 945 3114, email: or visit the Ready2Work KY page to get more information.
Financial Services Jobskeyboard_arrow_right
Jobs in the financial services market in the Cayman Islands are more diversified now than in the last 15 years. It used to be predominantly legal and audit work, followed recently by a lot of compliance work; however, since the introduction of the International Tax Co-operation (Economic Substance) Act (2021 Revision) in January 2019 and the Virtual Asset (Service Providers) Act (2022 Revision) in October 2020, the landscape has changed.
Read MoreLegal Jobskeyboard_arrow_right
Cayman's top legal firms are internationally known, solution driven and client focused. These global players are able to attract the top lawyers from London to Hong Kong, even from London’s magic circle firms.
Most of Cayman’s top firms specialise in corporate and international finance law, focusing on investment funds, capital markets and structured finance. Cayman law firms are also internationally renowned for advising top asset managers and institutional investors from around the world, as well being involved in high level international insolvency and restructuring deals. It is not surprising that the legal industry on Island continues to experience growth.
Lawyers should note that if they are seeking to practise Cayman Islands’ Law, there are strict Bar admission requirements. To be eligible for admission, non-local lawyers must have at least three years post-qualification experience gained in a relevant jurisdiction (UK, Ireland, NZ, Australia, Canada and certain Caribbean nations), as well as previous financial services experience, preferably in mutual/hedge funds, insurance, insolvency, finance or commercial litigation.
Teaching Positionskeyboard_arrow_right
Teaching positions in private schools regularly come up. See the Education section and apply to various schools directly.
Teaching and Education jobs in the Government schools, as well as positions within the Ministry of Education, are advertised on To apply for a position, you must create a profile on the website and then it will let you apply for a specific position. The same jobs are also posted on the Ministry of Education’s Facebook page: @educationcayman. Teacher recruitment is typically done from January to August, with late resignations and support staff being recruited from late August to December. You can also email: with questions. Their HR services team will respond to your enquiry very quickly.
Employment contracts for teachers are generally two years in length, include a range of benefits and are subject to an annual performance process.
Read MoreMedical Jobskeyboard_arrow_right
Medical professionals fully registered in Australia, Canada, Jamaica, the UK, New Zealand, South Africa and the USA may be eligible to practise in the Cayman Islands once they have become registered with the appropriate council. This applies to both doctors and nurses. The latter must hold a Bachelor of Science in Nursing or its equivalent and they must have a minimum of three years of experience as a Registered Nurse before they can practise in Cayman. Consultants and doctors with specialist training are preferred at all registered health care facilities.
Please visit the Department of Health Regulatory Services website for complete information about the registration process and requirements at
For more information on recruitment at the Cayman Islands Health Services Authority (HSA), please visit the employment and training section on, where they list job vacancies.
Doctors Hospital is a locally-owned provider of international-standard, private-sector healthcare services. They post their job openings on the careers page of their website. See or email your resume to
Health City Cayman Islands is a private, institutional tertiary care hospital located in East End with a satellite clinic in Camana Bay. They are also in the process of building a new hospital next to Camana Bay. They accept applications from qualified healthcare professionals from around the world. Email your resumé to
Alternatively, Cayman Resident lists all the resident doctors by their specialties, as well as all of Cayman's medical clinics, pharmacies and dental practices. To review everything medical in the Cayman Islands visit this page.
Read MoreOther Skills & Professions
For those with qualifications, skills or ambitions not related to financial or legal services, finding good employment may require more research and legwork. Most reputable recruitment agencies will be able to point you in the right direction, and some may have vacancies within your field, so it will be a matter of researching the agencies that may be able to help you. If you are Caymanian, a Permanent Resident or currently on a work permit, you can register on the new WORC portal and see all the jobs that have been posted on there.
Employers from top firms have access to this database and regularly post job listings on this online system. The department of WORC, in conjunction with the former NWDA, has a career assessment centre and provides free career counselling and training to Caymanians. You can also use LinkedIn, the Cayman Compass classifieds or Yello to make a list of potential employers and write to them enclosing your resumé.
For your cover letter, remember to include when you will be available to work, your skills, your qualifications and your marital status. Some Cayman employers will also be interested to know if you currently reside in Cayman, and if not, you should be prepared to have a convincing case for moving and being committed to your potential employer. Most employers will not reply unless they have a suitable vacancy. It is good practice to follow up with a call to their Human Resources Manager to confirm receipt and enquire as to any current vacancies available.
The field of office temping has changed significantly in recent years. Employment agencies can no longer relocate you to Cayman, hold your permit and lend you out for a few weeks at one company and a few weeks at another. Now the employment agency must have a contract from a local Cayman firm showing where you are going to work, for how long and what work you are doing. The reality is that there are many Caymanians now filling those temping jobs, and expats are only needed if the job is genuinely temporary by nature and no Caymanian can be found. If you do want to sign up with an agency, you should do as much research on them as possible. A good agency will be able to provide references from current and past staff members, together with contact details, which will allow you to confirm their authenticity yourself. For other specific industries, the situation is as follows:
Although the construction industry in Cayman has slowed somewhat as major multi-million dollar projects, such as the Watermark and the Indigo Hotel have wrapped up, a few large developers, such as Dart, NCB and Fraser Wellon still require large numbers of construction workers. Local recruiters do not handle construction recruitment, however, potential employees could reach out directly to local construction companies or contact Ping International Recruitment, who are an international construction recruitment company. Having spoken to a few high-end construction companies, they recommend sending your resumé, plus a covering letter showing that you have done some research on the company you are applying to. It is also a good idea to demonstrate a willingness to arrange a Zoom call for an initial meeting, ensuring that you follow up if you don’t get a response within the first week. If you have the financial means, it may be worth visiting Cayman and arranging to meet with a few construction companies in person. Local companies are often looking for experienced project managers who are highly skilled in luxury home building. Note: For those seeking a job in the construction industry in Cayman, you need to be licensed. Please see the Department of Planning's website and look under the ‘Resources’ tab for professional licences required for those in the building industry. A number of high-end construction companies in the Cayman Islands are listed here: local construction companies, and then you can contact them directly.
CI Government Jobs
The Cayman Islands Government and their associated statutory authorities (for a list see here) are the largest employer in the Cayman Islands with over 4,500 employees across 1,000 different roles and over 90 different agencies.
For job vacancies at Statutory Authorities and Government Companies, you need to go through the Government’s careers portal as this is where all Civil Service jobs are posted and where you need to create a profile before you can apply for a specific position.
Most people love working for the CIG. There is good job security, the hours are reasonable and the pay and benefits are good. If you are identified as a hard worker, you can also often get transferred to a different department if you would like a change.
Health Field
Medical professionals fully registered in Australia, Canada, Jamaica,
the UK, New Zealand, South Africa and the USA may be eligible to
practice in the Cayman Islands once they have become registered with the
appropriate Council. This applies to both doctors and nurses. The
latter must hold a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, or its equivalent,
and they have to have a minimum of three years experience as a
Registered Nurse before they can practice in Cayman.
Consultants and doctors with specialist training are preferred at all registered health care facilities. Please visit the Department of Health Regulatory Services’ website for complete information about the registration process and requirements at
For more information on recruitment at the Cayman Islands Health Services Authority (HSA), please visit the Employment and Training section on
The Doctors Hospital, a locally-owned provider of international-standard, private-sector hospital and healthcare services. Email your resume to
Health City Cayman Islands is a private, institutional healthcare facility with Medical Tourism designation and accepts applications from qualified healthcare professionals from around the world. Email your resumé to
Electricians and Plumbers
Legally, all electrical and plumbing workers require a local licence to work in the Cayman Islands. Plumbers are licensed by the Plumber’s Examination Board and should contact the Planning Department about specifics of the process. Information can be found on, under the ‘Resources’ tab. Electricians must satisfy the CI Electrical Board of Examiners that their qualifications meet the requirements of the Electricity Regulations. Call the Planning Department on (345) 244 6501 for more information. In all cases, a certified copy of your licence, trade certificate and trade references must be submitted along with your application for a local licence.
Grocery Store Positions
Foster’s Supermarket has several locations and you can reach the HR department via email: or submit an application on the Fosters Careers Page. The jobs that they have available are listed on their website.
For Kirk Market, you can visit their careers page and see what positions they have vacancies in.
For those seeking employment at Hurley’s, you need to email your resume and a cover letter to Shanna Merren, and her email address is: They no longer have a page on their website where you can view vacancies.
Hospitality Industry Jobs
There has been a good amount of growth in the tourism sector in the past few years with the introduction of new hotels and restaurants and the increase of visitors post-COVID. Tourist workers are usually hired in September and October to fill positions in time for high season, which starts in December. Locals are encouraged to register on the JobsCayman/WORC website where they can view what jobs are available. Alternatively, email the hotels and restaurants directly. Seasonal permits for six or eight months are obtainable.
Visit the Good Taste website at to contact the restaurants of your choice. It is recommended that you mail your resumé directly to specific restaurants and those that are interested will call to interview you over the phone.
Jobs in the Diving Industry in Cayman
Dive companies in Cayman are often looking for both experienced and
newly qualified diving instructors and dive masters and they post their jobs on a
Facebook page called Dive Jobs Worldwide. The dive companies in Cayman would also love you to send them your resume directly.
IT Jobs
There is increasing demand for expats in IT positions as the tech industry continues its steady growth on the Island, especially in expert areas such as blockchain, cryptocurrency, cyber-security and Web3. With the development of Cayman Tech City (part of Cayman Enterprise City and within the Special Economic Zone) and the establishment of new service providers such as TechCayman (which facilitates the relocation of tech businesses to Cayman), the need for tech workers is only set to grow further still and many businesses are having to look further afield to find the specialist skillsets needed. There is also an increased number of positions available in software development (specifically within the .NET/C# and python spaces) and network engineering fields, in addition to project management, product management and business analyst roles. These positions are often advertised by and filled through employment agencies.
Companies tend to seek mid-level to senior candidates for roles within tech and are generally open to sponsoring work permits and providing relocation support to qualified candidates. The exception to this would be within the areas of IT support, helpdesk and network administration, where there is a significant local workforce, so overseas applicants are usually not considered. There has also been an increase in internships and junior/entry-level tech roles as more tech graduates are entering
the workforce now. These roles are always filled by locals.
If you have any questions about finding a job in the IT field then the CML website lists available positions. They also have a very useful page on the IT qualifications that employers look for in top talent when hiring from overseas.
Office Support Staff
There is a consistent demand for compliance professionals, corporate administrators, legal secretaries, trust officers and HR professionals; these positions are often filled by employment agencies. Both Caymanians and expats are needed, and it is commonly acknowledged that there are more positions available than people to fill them. However, it is worth noting that although these positions are open to expats, employers prefer candidates who are already on-Island, or in the process of moving here as a dependant, rather than relocating an individual for these roles. There are a few personal and executive assistant positions, but these positions are generally filled by Caymanians. Support staff in accounting firms and non-qualified accounting positions, such as accounts payable/receivable, also tend to be local.
Luxury Retail Jobs
The major recruiters in the retail field are Island Companies and Kirk Freeport. Both would be happy for you to contact them directly; you can email Island Companies at and Kirk Freeport via
Sales Jobs
Sales jobs in Cayman usually have a commission-based component and consequently Caymanians tend to avoid these jobs. The best way to find a sales position is to make a few phone calls from your home country, introduce yourself and then send your resumé.
Marketing Jobs
There is a non-profit organisation in Cayman called CIMPA (Cayman Islands Marketing Professionals Association) that provides a platform for professional development and collaboration within the local marketing industry. They are a good way for marketing professionals across Cayman’s business community to connect with each other. Visit for a list of marketing vacancies.
Telecommunications Jobs
Staff are most often hired locally and promoted from within the particular business. Some jobs do occasionally become available and in these cases, recruitment is done through local and overseas employment agencies. You can also find a list of the telecommunication companies in Cayman to contact them directly.
Other Employers
Dart Enterprises and Caribbean Utilities Company are large companies that may be seeking motivated employees.
Dart Enterprises is the holding company for a portfolio of companies. Based in Grand Cayman, the company has a global reach with investments around the world and its holdings include real estate, development, property management, retail, finance and technology. Visit Dart Careers for all the current vacancies and recruitment information.
Caribbean Utilities Company (CUC), is the local electricity company. The Company’s workforce is currently comprised of 82% Caymanian employees and 18% other nationalities, leading to a diverse working environment. Employees are given a number of opportunities for training, which allows growth and upward mobility within the organisation. If you are interested in joining the CUC team, you may email your resume to or visit and navigate to the ‘Careers’ tab on the home page.