There are many options in Cayman for adults interested in pursuing further education. From courses in Marketing to HR to Accountancy, read below for further information.
The Cayman Islands Marketing Professionals Association (CIMPA) is a dynamic non-profit organisation dedicated to shaping the future of marketing in the Cayman Islands. CIMPA offers professional development resources and training sessions on trending industry topics, and they also host a popular annual conference. Both members and non-members are welcome. Additionally, CIMPA awards a CI$5,000 annual scholarship to support an aspiring marketing student. Email: For more information see their website:
Every year the Cayman Islands Society of Human Resources Professionals (CISHRP) offers a certificate in HR Management which includes modules on Cayman's immigration, pension and labour laws, health insurance rules and the Essentials of HR Management. Exams are scheduled twice a year. See or email: for more information.
Chamber’s Professional Development & Training Centre
The Chamber of Commerce Professional Development & Training Centre (PDTC) offers a comprehensive range of two-hour, four-hour, one-day and two-day courses on topics in the following categories: Legal Assist; Ken Blanchard Leadership Series; Workplace Essentials; Made For You; Small Biz Boot Camp. The Centre has also begun to offer select courses virtually. Go online or call the Chamber to find out more. Governors Square, West Bay Road. Tel: (345) 949 8090 or visit
CPD Courses for Accountants
All regular members of the Cayman Islands Institute of Professional Accountants' (CIIPA) must comply with the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements of their overseas professional accounting institute or the International Education Standards. The CIIPA Training Committee has an annual training calendar of courses to support members’ professional development. Contact CIIPA at or visit As a full member of IFAC, CIIPA is committed to ensuring their members are able to meet the International Education Standards which are set by the International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB).