Gas is a safe and efficient energy solution for powering your home appliances.
Propane is a non-toxic gas that provides a greener and more economical alternative for a wide range of appliances. By using propane, you can save up to 40% on your energy bill and reduce your carbon emissions by 85%.
The 20lb cylinders used for BBQs can be found at almost every gas station in Cayman, where you can buy a new filled cylinder or swap an empty used cylinder for a full one. Various gas companies around the Island allow customers to have their own cylinders filled at a fraction of the cost of exchange.
Bulk delivery can be utilised by installing a larger on-site tank either in the ground or a tall 100lb cylinder. Many houses in Cayman have an underground refillable propane tank in their garden or one standing alongside an exterior wall. The gas is then piped into the house. The size options for the tank vary depending on the amount, quantity and type of appliances being used.
In addition to cost and energy savings, another benefit is that many of your propane appliances can still be used even in the event of a power outage. If you would like a free consultation to determine the energy savings your home or company can achieve by switching to propane, call Home Gas.