Celebrating Birthdays & Special Occasions in Cayman

Motions Unlimited in the Cayman Islands is a state-of-the-art facility with gymnastics equipment for children and teens along with a party room and snack bar. They have a full weekly schedule of classes for children from 18 months of age and up.
Their Toddler Play Day sessions are extremely popular and are a great way to meet other parents while your children run about and let off steam. The sessions, which are for children aged 18 months to six years, are run on Wednesdays and Thursdays 10.30am-12pm, and Saturdays 8.30am-10am.
These cost CI$20 per child and CI$35 for two siblings, and you must purchase a package of 10 visits in advance. Your 11th visit will be free. You must be a registered member in the Motions Jackrabbit parent portal and all payments must be made in advance online through Butterfield. More information on how to make payments can be found on their website, www.motionsunlimited.com. Please note that their Toddler Play Days are extremely popular and fill up completely in advance. You cannot just turn up and pay on the day; you MUST register in advance to reserve your child's spot as the number of children allowed in the gym is capped.
During Halloween, they host 'Super Spooky Saturday' and during Easter, they have a 'Spring Fling' both from 6pm-9pm for kids over 4 years old.
Birthday Parties
Motions Unlimited host parties on Saturdays from 3.30pm-5.30pm through the months of September-June. Their package also includes themed decorations and a cake, making it a super easy options for parents!
Parkour is a training discipline that uses movements developed from military obstacle course training. Motions Unlimited offers this programme to experienced participants aged eight years and older on Mondays and Wednesdays.