Government Primary Schools

The Little Cayman Education Service is the smallest establishment of the Cayman Islands Department of Education Services with just four students on roll currently.
Catchment Area: All of Little Cayman.
Situated on the idyllic Little Cayman, primary age students follow the full national curriculum and operate out of a specialist facility with a full time teacher and teaching assistant. Increasing use is made of ICT to link with other schools both within Cayman and other parts of the world to enhance the teaching and learning experiences for students. The teacher in charge is Mrs Veronica Juman-Khan.
To view their most recent school inspection report please see below:
Little Cayman Education Services - Overall Evaluation 'Satisfactory'
Inspection Report - Little Cayman Education Services - March 2021
Inspection Report - Little Cayman Education Services - January 2019
Government primary school for the area east of the Frank Sound junction, and including all of East End to Colliers.
Edna M. Moyle Primary School (formerly North Side Primary School) is a "small but united" dynamic government school community in North Side.
Joanna Clarke Primary School is the second largest government primary school on Grand Cayman and one of three schools that run the IB programme.
A government primary school in the district of Prospect that also has a Kindergarten/Reception year.
Government primary school for Red Bay. Located at 271 Shamrock Road, Red Bay, Grand Cayman.
Sharon (Marie) Martin Primary School is a government primary school taught by caring and dynamic staff in partnership with parents and the community.
A Government primary school for those living in Beach Bay Road, continuing up to Breakers and including Northward.
A government primary school on Cayman Brac which also has a Kindergarten/Reception year.