Importing Pets

The Department of Agriculture (DOA) is responsible for issuing permits for imported animals and pet passports. They also pick up lost animals, and offer a bee removal service and a pest control service for chickens.
Importing Pets
All dogs and cats entering the Cayman Islands must have an import permit issued by the Cayman Islands Department of Agriculture. Contact the DOA for the most up to date application forms. They can also provide your pet with a pet passport if guidelines are met.
Lost Pets
If your pet has gone missing then it may have been picked up by the DOA. You can go to the DOA and look for your animal.
The best thing to do is to physically go to the DOA shelter and look for your animal.
Visiting hours: Monday–Friday 12pm–1pm and 3.30pm–4.30pm. If animals are not claimed within seven days they will either be put up for adoption or, in some cases, sadly be put to sleep. Located on the first dirt road on the left off Agricola Drive in Lower Valley.
Pest Control
Chickens and roosters roam freely in the Cayman Islands and can often be a nuisance. You can purchase a trap from the DOA and arrange for their humane disposal. Call (345) 947 3090.
Bee Removal Services
The Department of Agriculture also offers bee removal services. The cost usually varies depending on the complexity of the situation. Bee removal should be done by a professional – please do not kill the bees!