A public high school located at 311 Frank Sound Road, North Side, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands.
More Information:
Catchment Area: All areas on the east side of Spotts-Newlands Road, and on the east side of Chime Street, the Bypass or the East/West Arterial.
Head of School: Dr Richard Wildman (since August 2019)
Clifton Hunter High School - Overall Progress Assessed as 'Satisfactory'
Inspection Report - Clifton Hunter High School - May 2021
Key points made in their May 2021 school inspection report:
The overall performance of Clifton Hunter High School was judged satisfactory. The school had made significant improvements since the last inspection and was now performing at a satisfactory level. Students’ attainment in English had strengthened and was now good. Similarly, students’ progress in English, mathematics and science had improved and was now good. In English, the majority of students were attaining levels that were above international standards. Attainment in mathematics and science had improved slightly but remained weak. The curriculum provided students with a broad and balanced set of learning experiences. Students were making good progress across a range of subjects, including art, drama, home economics, information technology, music and physical education. A range of extra-curricular activities provided students with opportunities for additional support in core subjects and for pursuing their interests and talents, including sports and performing arts. The school band was in high demand to perform at a range of functions. Students could develop their leadership skills and contribute to the wider community by joining the Key Club, Leo Club and Cadets.
Leaders’ and teachers’ higher expectations of students’ behaviour had brought about a marked improvement in the manner in which students conducted themselves around the school. Their behaviour and attitudes towards learning were now good and resulted in generally orderly classrooms and largely good conduct as they moved around the large campus. Prefects were excellent ambassadors for their school. Students wore their uniform with pride. Levels of attendance and punctuality had improved and were now good. The number of exclusions and suspensions had reduced. Students’ civic and environmental understanding remained satisfactory. Most students demonstrated a good awareness of local environmental concerns but there were less knowledgeable about sustainability and the importance of recycling.
Teaching and learning remained satisfactory, but a growing number of teachers delivered good lessons. Relationships between students and most teachers were respectful and warm. Classroom management was good with little off-task student behaviour. Lessons were generally planned well but the match of work to ability was inconsistent, resulting in the needs of higher and lower ability students not always being met. Students were largely enthusiastic learners. However, they were given insufficient opportunities to collaborate with others, be active in their learning, develop their critical thinking skills and take greater responsibility for their own learning. Systematic school-wide processes to improve teaching were in place which was bringing about improvement. Leaders had introduced good systems for assessment across the school but these were not yet fully embedded and assessment remained satisfactory overall. Arrangements for the health and safety of students were satisfactory. Students received good support in their learning for core subjects but not in other subjects. They were suitably prepared for further education or employment upon leaving school. Staff ensured a good quality of pastoral care for all students.
Leadership of the school was now good overall. The Principal, appointed in August 2019, provided inspirational leadership. Working effectively with senior and middle leaders, he had transformed many aspects of the work of the school. Self-evaluation and improvement planning were now good. Links with parents and the community, staffing and the learning environment were good. Some teaching areas required review to ensure appropriate spaces to enable high quality teaching and learning to take place.
Source: Cayman Islands Office of Education Standards