Cayman Water is the drinking water utility for the Seven Mile Beach area and West Bay District of Grand Cayman. The company has been providing piped water and tricked water to Cayman since 1973.
From their 3 operational plants they produce 4 million gallons of water per day for their 5,500 active customers.
Water is extracted from deep underground via a series of abstraction wells. The water that is extracted is saline groundwater that has to be treated using Reverse Osmosis. This process, with the addition of three fluoride-free chemicals, makes the water safe to drink straight from the tap. All chemicals added to the water are National Sanitary Foundation approved for potable water use.
The first 3,000 US gallons for a residential customer will be charged at CI$18.98/1000 gal. Anything above that will cost CI$22.77/1000 gal. An energy adjustment factor surcharge is applied each month that varies according to the cost of electricity. Monthly meter charges also vary depending on the size of the meter, from CI$3.50 to CI$40 for meter sizes ranging from 5/8” to 6”.