At CPHS students are placed at the centre of learning and teaching. Differentiated instruction enhances learning for all students by engaging them in activities that respond to particular needs, strengths, and preferences and is effective in supporting and challenging the full range of ability levels in the classroom. Their Christian ethos is evident throughout the school and inspires their students to think about what sort of contribution they will make to the world, how they will make a difference. Established in 1949, the school supports them in such a way as to ensure they grow into responsible, mature, and engaged members of the school community and citizens of the world.
There is a maximum of 25 pupils in each class (24 in KG), and all infant classes (KG to Year 2) are staffed by a qualified teacher and a Learning Assistant. All Junior year classes (Year 3 to 6) are also staffed by a qualified teacher with 2 Learning Assistants per year group. The Primary School has specialist teachers for PE, ICT, Music, Spanish,
French and Support for Learning in Literacy and Mathematics.
The High School has 75 children per year group, broken down into three form classes. Subjects classes are then broken down further to 4 classes with sizes varying, typically 8-9 children in our lower set classes to 18 in the higher sets. They have Learning Assistants in class in our core subjects of English, Maths and Science.
Key Strengths of CPHS (as per the OES inspection report, October 2023):
1) Students are articulate, communicate their learning well and demonstrate EXEMPLARY attitudes to their work.
2) Students receive EXCELLENT support and guidance across the school.
3) The excellent provision in the High School results in EXCELLENT outcomes.
4) Students develop their understanding of environmental issues and understanding of Caymanian culture and traditions to an EXCELLENT level.
5) Links with parents and the community are EXCELLENT. Parents are highly appreciative of the school and the support that their children receive.
Mission: "Cayman Prep & High School provides a stimulating learning environment, firmly rooted in Christian principles, in which our students become critical creative thinkers, responsible citizens and lifelong learners in an ever-changing world."
OES School Inspection Report: Cayman Prep and High School - October 2023 - Graded as "Good".
After School Care: Provided daily for Primary School Students to 5.30pm. CI$10 for the first hour, CI$16 per afternoon session, maximum CI$260 per calendar month.
Curriculum: British National Curriculum leading to IGCSE, GCSE, AS and A Levels (Cambridge International and Welsh examination boards).