The Cayman Islands Insurance Association (CIIA) was established in 2004 to bring all the insurance associations representing the industry in the Cayman Islands under one umbrella. CIIA advises on insurance policy and communicates directly with the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA), which regulates the insurance industry on behalf of industry stakeholders and insurance providers. The CIIA places focus on professionally educating and developing their members to increase their insurance knowledge. They also aim to inform the public about current insurance topics of interest and provide transparent communication. To read posts about these topics and for more information, visit
To ensure the Caymanian public are treated fairly by Cayman Islands insurance bodies, CIIA has worked closely with CIMA to develop protective codes of conduct dedicated to various values, such as integrity, care, skill and diligence and the disclosure of information. They also work to prioritise conflicts of interest and complaints, with a published complaints-handling procedure in place. More information on the Statement of Guidance (SOG) on market conduct can be found on their website, and outlines what kind of services and benefits you can expect from those at the CIIA. CIMA also advises all insurers, members of the public and agents to familiarise themselves with the SOG, which can be found on CIMA’s website: