The Cayman Craft Market brings together visitors and local artisans who create and display unique Caymanian art, jewellery, craft souvenirs, recycled treasures made from soda cans and recycled paper, as well as locally made jams, jellies and cooked food.
Find items made from leather, thatch, wood, shells, Caymanite and Black Coral and experience local artisans at work making crafts from local materials. The craft market was created by the Cayman Islands Government in order for local Caymanian artists to showcase their skills and talents. Some of these crafters possess some of the oldest known thatching/creative skills on the Island. It is definitely an attraction that is perfect for locals and tourists alike!
Open Monday-Friday 8.30am-3pm.
Located on Seafarers Way, beside Dairy Queen and across from the Wreck of the Cali in George Town.