Subject to some exceptions, the holder of a work permit may not change his/her employer for the duration of a permit. Changing employers upon the expiry of a work permit is permitted, although a release letter from the previous employer is usually requested before the relevant board or WORC official will grant a permit in favour of a new employer.
Protections are in place however, to prevent expatriate workers from falling victim to unscrupulous employers and the Department of WORC will assist workers as appropriate in relevant circumstances.
During the duration of a work permit, the holder may not be promoted or re-designated without their employer notifying the relevant board (or director of WORC) and formal consent being received. This restriction is intended to protect opportunities for Caymanians and to ensure that due revenue is collected. The relevant authorities will be very accommodating in appropriate circumstances, but applications must be made well in advance, with new positions not started until after all required approvals have been forthcoming.