There are various ways in which you can vote in the election on 30th April 2025. The majority of people will be voting in person at the polling station in the district that they are registered to vote. However, provision exists for postal and mobile voting for those people who are legitimately unable to attend the polling station on election day.
In person voting
The rules on how to vote are quite strict, and for good reason. The integrity of the vote is of utmost importance and it is therefore important that you familiarise yourself with the process of voting, particularly if this is your first time voting in an election. We recommend that you visit the Elections Office website for the most up to date information. They have a useful page dedicated to the process of voting which you can find here.
Here are the main points to remember:
- Remember to bring your official ID with you to the polling station so your identity can be verified.
- You can only vote at one polling station. Make sure you know the location of the polling station for the district that you are registered to vote in. To find all the polling stations, use our Interactive Map here.
- You may only vote for one candidate. If you try to vote for more than one candidate then none of your votes will be counted.
- Voters must place an X next to the name of the candidate they wish to vote for.
- Do not put your name on your ballot paper. The Elections Office states that “if an elector marks the ballot paper in any way that will identify the elector the ballot paper will be rejected.”
- If you spoil your ballot paper (i.e. you make a mistake, for example, by accidentally marking the wrong candidate or making a mark against two names) then you can obtain another ballot paper by returning the paper to the Presiding Officer at the polling station. Make yourself known to election staff immediately if you have made a mistake.
- You must not take your ballot paper out of the polling station.
- Once you have placed an X against the name of the candidate for which you wish to vote, you must then fold your ballot paper along the line indicated and hand the folded ballot paper to the Presiding Officer. They will then remove the counterfoil from your ballot paper and hand it back to you for you to place your ballot paper in the ballot box. If you need assistance to do this, make yourself known to election staff who will be able to assist you.
You cannot take your children into the polling station with you so make sure that you arrange for childcare ahead of time. There should be no phones in the polling station.
The voting process is secret, you should not tell anyone at the polling station who you have voted for and no one in the polling station is allowed to ask you for whom you cast your vote.

Source: Elections Office
Help - I can't vote in person
There are many reasons why a registered voter might not be able to vote in person on election day, such as a physical inability, temporary residence overseas or vacation. To ensure registered voters can exercise their right to vote, you can apply to vote by post or mobile voting.
Postal Voting
If you are a registered voter who is living off-island temporarily, for example students, those away for medical care or those away on vacation, then you can apply to vote by post.
If you are living overseas and your application to vote by post is successful then your ballot paper will be sent to the overseas address provided on your application form. If you will be off Island on election day, for example you are away on business or vacation, then you can also apply for a postal ballot. Your must demonstrate your absence with a purchased airline ticket. Successful applicants will have their postal vote delivered to the local street address provided on their application form.
All applicants for postal voting must complete Form B which must be returned to the Elections Office alongside any supporting documentation no later than Thursday 17th April 2025. We recommend you check the Elections Office page for the most up to date information.
Mobile Voting
Mobile voting is designed for eligible voters who for reasons of their personal circumstances are physically unable to attend the polling station on election day. Elections law outlines the circumstances under which a person may qualify and includes someone in a hospital or rest home, an elderly person at home or someone with a physical incapacity that prevents them from getting to the polling station.
If you think you may qualify we suggest you contact the Elections Office on (345) 949 8047 or email office@alections.ky. Applicants can apply for mobile voting using Form C which must be returned to the Elections Office no later than 17 April 2025.
Successful applicants will then be visited in person by Elections Office polling staff to allow them to vote. Elections staff will visit mobile voters on the following dates:
Tuesday 22nd April 2025 - Bodden Town East, Bodden Town West, Newlands, Savannah, Prospect.
Wednesday 23rd April 2025 - West Bay North, West Bay Central, West Bay West, West Bay South, George Town North.
Thursday 24th April 2025 - Little Cayman, George Town Central, George Town West, George Town East, George Town South, Red Bay.
Friday 25th April 2025 - North Side, East End, Cayman Brac East, Cayman Brac West (not Little Cayman).