Due to their relative low cost, housekeeping and domestic help are an affordable luxury in Cayman, especially for busy professionals. Services include cleaning floors, kitchens, bathrooms, windows, ovens, cupboard interiors, ironing and more.
You can usually find someone through word of mouth and expect to pay about CI$80 per day, or CI$10-15 per hour for a minimum of a half day. If you hire the same person on a regular basis make sure to contribute towards their health insurance and their annual holiday pay. It is wise to check whether the cleaner has their own means of transport or you can find yourself getting requests for lifts to and from your house during the working day.
Using an agency can be slightly more expensive but the advantage is that they are reliable, hassle free, will drop off/collect the helper from your house and will replace them if they can’t work for any reason. Agencies also interview and trial potential cleaners and make sure that their customers will be happy with the service provided.
Help Your Helper
If you find and hire a housekeeper or domestic helper yourself, rather than through an agency, you should consider organising practical training from Minerva Cayman. They deliver workshops relating to laundry, ironing and folding, general cleaning and more. A good idea for private homes, janitorial teams, yacht crews and individuals, their courses are designed to teach or refresh housekeeping skills in a domestic environment.
Housekeeping Agencies
Below are several companies recommended for housekeeping and maid services in the Cayman Islands.