West Bay West

With its beautifiul coast road, residential West Bay West is one of the four electoral districts in West Bay.

00 West Bay West
  • Incumbent: McKeeva Bush
  • Registered Voters: 1,390
  • Polling Station Address:

    Sir John A. Cumber Primary School

    36 Fountain Road, West Bay

Candidates for West Bay West

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Showing 1-2 of 2 results

West Bay West

Julie Hunter

A passionate advocate for community service and a seasoned professional with over 35 years in banking and eight years in the legal profession.

Ci national party logo square
Cayman Islands National Party
West Bay West

McKeeva Bush

Having served the people of West Bay West for 31 years. McKeeva Bush is the 'Father of the House' and current Speaker. He is a former Premier and has held various Ministerial roles.
