
The residential area of Prospect extends from Spott's in the South to the North Sound.

00 Prospect
  • Incumbent: Sabrina Turner
  • Registered Voters: 1,415
  • Polling Station Address:

    Prospect Primary School

    169 Poindexter Road, George Town

Candidates for Prospect

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Showing 1-3 of 3 results


Crystal Gomez Wilson

Crystal has over 20 years experience in marketing, business development and strategic leadership and is a dedicated community volunteer in Prospect.

Progressives logo square
The Progressives (PPM)

Michael Myles

A lifelong advocate for youth empowerment and community growth in the Cayman Islands.

Ci national party logo square
Cayman Islands National Party

Sabrina Turner

Entrepreneur Sabrina Turner has served as Minister for Health and for Home Affairs. She has been active in several professional and community organisations and is a former Nurse.

Caymanian community party square logo
The Caymanian Community Party