George Town South

George Town South covers the George Town schools district and Truman Bodden Sports Complex and is one of the five districts of our capital.

00 George Town South
  • Incumbent: Barbara Conolly
  • Registered Voters: 1,422
  • Polling Station Address:

    John Gray High School Hall

    73 Academy Way, George Town

Candidates for George Town South

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George Town South

Alric Lindsay

Alric Lindsay is a financial services professional and long time community advocate who is running in George Town South.

George Town South

Craig "Festa" Frederick

Craig Frederick is an entrepreneur with deep roots in George Town South and has founded iconic Caymanian events and worked in the tourism industry, locally and internationally.

Progressives logo square
The Progressives (PPM)
George Town South

Gary “Peanut” Rutty

A distinguished Caymanian entrepreneur, civic leader, and advocate for community development.

Ci national party logo square
Cayman Islands National Party