George Town North

From Rock Hole in the South to The Ritz-Carlton in the North, George Town North is one of the five districts of our capital.

00 George Town North
  • Incumbent: Joseph "Joey" Hew
  • Registered Voters: 1,375
  • Polling Station Address:

    George Town Primacy School

    179 School Road, George Town

Candidates for George Town North

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Showing 1-2 of 2 results

George Town North

Joseph "Joey" Hew

As former President of the Chamber of Commerce, Director of the Tourism Association and now Leader of the Opposition, Joey brings political and economic leadership to the table.

Progressives logo square
The Progressives (PPM)
George Town North

Romellia Welcome

Romellia Welcome is the President of the Cayman Kind Action Committee which campaigns on neglected issues and has advocated for safer communities and supporting the vulnerable.
