George Town East

George Town East extends to Grand Harbour and is one of the five districts of our capital.

00 George Town East
  • Incumbent: Roy McTaggart
  • Registered Voters: 1,585
  • Polling Station Address:

    First Baptist Church Hall

    920A Crewe Road, George Town

Candidates for George Town East

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Showing 1-4 of 4 results

George Town East

Bud Johnson

A seasoned professional with extensive experience in the tourism industry.

Ci national party logo square
Cayman Islands National Party
George Town East

Emily DeCou

Long-time environmental activist Emily DeCou has a professional background in financial services, consultancy and advocacy and is a professional photographer.

Caymanian community party square logo
The Caymanian Community Party
George Town East

Oscar Bodden

Former National Housing Development Trust board member Oscar Bodden is running as the single independent candidate in George Town East.

George Town East

Roy McTaggart

Roy is seeking a fourth term in his George Town East seat and brings with him experience as Leader of the Opposition and nearly 30 years in the financial services sector.

Progressives logo square
The Progressives (PPM)