George Town East
George Town East extends to Grand Harbour and is one of the five districts of our capital.
- Incumbent: Roy McTaggart
- Registered Voters: 1,585
- Polling Station Address:
First Baptist Church Hall
920A Crewe Road, George Town
Candidates for George Town East
Showing 1-4 of 4 results
Bud Johnson
A seasoned professional with extensive experience in the tourism industry.

Emily DeCou
Long-time environmental activist Emily DeCou has a professional background in financial services, consultancy and advocacy and is a professional photographer.

Oscar Bodden
Former National Housing Development Trust board member Oscar Bodden is running as the single independent candidate in George Town East.
Roy McTaggart
Roy is seeking a fourth term in his George Town East seat and brings with him experience as Leader of the Opposition and nearly 30 years in the financial services sector.